Wednesday, August 4, 2010

GOOD: emorox4eva

i like her. she stays out of people's business, never starts any drama, and that is also why she is boring. i loveee the blog and i check it everyday. just a hint of advice: jenna, you need to watch your workers more carefully. first lolita and now her? (yes you know who HER is). then again, this is rat on elites, so i do not have many kind words. you are a good elite. but SMW is becoming advertising central. what the shizdoodles? half your sidebar is filled with advertisements. and don't let people take advantage of you.

yours truly,

also, this blog is just not for me to express my opinions, but for you to vent your anger too! i need writers for this blog, someone who can help me root trouble. and dont worry, all writers will remain anonymous (just like me)

contact me at RatOnElites

BAD: poor tyler and filipa

aww. project after project, nonstop quitting. what can he do? he can use people. poor tyler has no skill of his own. he has to use other people just to promote his projects. USE USE USE. hunniagall for her graphics, etc. why can't you do anything by yourself? oh wait! he has tried. but it all ends up in utter failure. such as the stardoll freakshow. you so called put it on hiatus, but ended up cancelling it instead. but wait! isnt that what you are doing with ttt? haha another failure by tyler. when will you learn to just stop making abusurd ideas, such as the big cheese. wth much? if you cant be popular in stardoll, i guess poor ty ty has to make up his own dumb city too. too bad he will end up quitting on that too!

yours truly,

filipa. with your dumb little blog which you know will never be as famous as SMW. and it just so happens that your little teenage romance with llcooljason is over! suck it up! you are just kids. you'll find someone else (who can stand that annoying little habit of yours). if you get sad over this, be prepared for REAL LIFE. you didnt even know each other! whats next? if you have a bad breakup in real life will you commit suicide or something? well thats what you get and deserve for making a shrine for someone you barely knew.

yours truly,

be warned

if you have secrets... prepare for them to be exposed.